


Acupuncture can increase fertility in many ways. A focus on overall wellness, regulating menstrual cycles and hormonal imbalances, and balancing the endocrine system, as well as reducing stress and increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs can significantly boost fertility. Among many other benefits, acupuncture can help nourish the body, increasing the quality of eggs and sperm. When used in conjunction with Western fertility treatments, acupuncture can increase conception rates.

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Trigger Point Acupuncture

Trigger point acupuncture is a technique that focuses on specific tight and tender points in the muscles that often cause referral pain to other places in the body. It is is particularly effective for patients experiencing muscle and joint pain resulting from injuries, chronic orthopedic conditions, repetitive strain injuries, and stress. It is appropriate for athletes, yoga practitioners, dancers, personal trainers, cross-fit enthusiasts and other people with active lifestyles. It is also particularly beneficial for those experiencing work or recreational injuries, and car/other accidents.

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Facial Rejuvenation

Facial acupuncture can naturally help make the skin look smoother, younger, reduce fine lines, and give the skin an all-around glow. Unlike surgeries and injection procedures, facial acupuncture addresses not only signs of aging, but also the skin’s overall health. Regular treatments improve muscle tone and dermal contraction, increasing collagen production, tighten pores, and increases local circulation of blood and lymph. It can be used to reduce the appearance of sagging jowls and help to decrease inflammation, puffiness, sagging and dark circles around the eyes.

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Women’s Health

Acupuncture and herbal medicine have been used in women’s health for centuries. Many women experience pain, discomfort and/or mental/emotional distress stemming from menstrual disorders, PMS, PCOS, Endometriosis, fertility, pregnancy & childbirth, menopause-related symptoms, sexual dysfunction and beyond. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine are safe, natural, and effective treatments to support the physical and emotional health of women through the natural cycles of life.

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Pain Management & Electro Acupuncture

Chronic pain in the muscles and joints can make life miserable. Standard treatments like ice & heat, anti-inflammatory medications and injections, and beneficial exercises often ease the pain, but sometimes it is not quite enough. Acupuncture is an incredibly effective option used for migraines & headaches, arthritis, physical pain related to chronic/recurrent injuries as well as acute injuries, jaw pain, tennis elbow, low back pain, neck pain, knee pain, shoulder pain and more. Electro-acupuncture is often used to aid healing, relieve muscle tension and promote relaxation, specifically in chronic and recurrent conditions.

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Sports Acupuncture

Many athletes utilize acupuncture to help them maintain their desired levels of activity. Whether it is a runner striving to run a first marathon, or an injured runner that wants to get back to it, acupuncture can help with endurance and help patients achieve their optimal levels of fitness. I treat many runners, acrobats, dancers, yoga practitioners, cross fit athletes, cyclists, as well as those that play basketball, football, tennis and golf.

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Cupping & Gua Sha

Cupping and gua sha are two ancient techniques used in traditional Chinese medicine that promote healing by moving stagnation, loosening the muscles and fascia, encouraging blood flow, and sedating the nervous system. Cupping is used to relieve back and neck pain, stiff muscles, anxiety, fatigue, headaches, gastro-intestinal distress, and even cellulite. When performing cupping, oil is usually applied to the skin and the the cups are placed on the body, either using a fire or suction technique. The cups are placed in specific areas and are often times moved up and down the surrounding areas. Gua Sha, also called “coining, spooning or scraping” is when a tool is used against the skin to promote the movement of qi. Gua Sha can provide relief from pain, stiffness, cough, wheezing and more.

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Herbal and Dietary Consults

Chinese dietary theory and Chinese herbal medicine go hand in hand. This is the Yin to the Yang of acupuncture. What we put into our bodies has a significant impact on how we feel and how we are able to adapt to ailments, disease and the stressors of modern life. There is significant importance placed on the quality of what we eat, as many of us tend to be undernourished even though we feel that we eat healthy diets. Sometimes a little nudge in the right direction can help our bodies to more efficiently absorb the qi and nutrients from the food we eat, often resulting in improved life quality, more energy, and weight loss.

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General Wellness & Stress Management

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can be used to promote general health and healing, boost your immune system, help with energy, fatigue, insomnia and in managing life’s daily stressors, as well as chronic stress, anxiety and depression. Acupuncture is very balancing and it helps our bodies to move what is stuck, and nourish what is lacking in order to auto-regulate. Regular acupuncture can significantly impact the lives of many individuals and help keep you well through the seasons and through the years.

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